Consumer information
What you need to know about data protection and data security
Digitalization pervades our everyday lives: We manage our calenders digitally, mobile phones count our steps and cars store movement profiles. Who provides apps and websites with his or her personal data, may easily become a victim of data abuse. This is what scandals have shown during the last years.
Data protection is a fundamental right. ePrivacy helps companies to comply with it.
Since 2012, ePrivacy advises companies in the digital industry in all topics and challenges of data protection and data security. By independent evaluations, workshops and certifications, ePrivacy helps companies to handle data of their customers and business partners responsibly. Whenever you as a customer see the ePrivacyseal on a website or in an app, you can be sure that your data is protected be the provider.
Take the initiative and be informed!
Here we give a brief and understandable overview of the often opaque and incomprehensible approaches to BigData, online advertising, data protection and data security. Being informed is the first step to responsible handling of data - your own and those of others.